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BMI Webinar - Inkjet Innovation in Books

Sponsored by Canon

Friday, April 23, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details


Clark Matthews, CTO, Independent Publishers Group (IPG)

Todd Roth, Vice President, Core Publishing Solutions - Thomson Reuters

Joe Upton, VP Business Development, Gasch Printing

Inkjet Innovation in Books

The book publishing industry has found a new level of equilibrium.  Printed book sales have increased during the pandemic, with unit sales up 8.2% in 2020.  The business model for book printing continues to change: shorter-runs, higher job frequency, and days rather than weeks turnaround is the new norm.    This has led to the creation of ultra-efficient, large-scale book manufacturing operations, and pushed offset book printers, even those with some digital print presence, to the brink.  But there is opportunity, opportunity enabled by innovation in the ability to print graphics, color rich books at throughput and economic levels previously unattainable.  Come learn from your BMI peers about innovations in inkjet technology that are enabling the emergence of this new market.

For More Information:

Matt Baehr
Matt Baehr
Executive Director (703)939-0679

Register using Zoom link above.